About us
We are a non-profit Civil Association born in Caracas in 2009 with the mission of promoting the value of work in Venezuelan society and thus the dignity of the person through education for work.
Our Objectives

To promote all activities aimed at enriching the person in the field of work transversely in various sectors of the economy.

To develop programs to improve the professional technical training of the population, especially for young people, women and the most vulnerable population.

To promote a greater diffusion of work culture in all its expressions.
Our Principles and Values
For us, work is conceived as a human need that, like any other activity, affects the whole person and not just some of his faculties or dimensions. Through work, the human being transforms the world, produces wealth and well-being, shapes society and, on the other hand, forges his character, develops virtues and aptitudes, and self-realizes; that is, he becomes more person.
Work is the privileged place where the person, through a creative, free and transforming movement of reality, expresses and reveals what he is, what constitutes him.

For us, work is conceived as a human need that, like any other activity, affects the whole person and not just some of his faculties or dimensions. Through work, the human being transforms the world, produces wealth and well-being, shapes society and, on the other hand, forges his character, develops virtues and aptitudes, and self-realizes; that is, he becomes more person.
Work is the privileged place where the person, through a creative, free and transforming movement of reality, expresses and reveals what he is, what constitutes him.
St. John Paul II (Laborem Exercens, 1981) said that “work is a fundamental dimension of the existence of man on earth”, and Luigi Giussani (Religious Sense, 1987) that “the nature of the person is related to infinite”; Hence, the human being is much more than the biological factors that constitute him, he is the irreducible point of creation where reason, affection and freedom come together.
Areas of action
To develop social training programs and projects in trades oriented to entrepreneurship, self- employment or decent employment, aimed at young people and women in vulnerable situations.
To promote the sustainability of training centers through the development of socio-productive units where graduates can carry out internships and participate in the development of products and services such as chocolate laboratories, beauty salons and mechanical workshops among others.
To promote greater dissemination of work culture as a key factor in the country’s development.