Educamos protagonistas del bien común

We develop
Social training programs and projects in trades oriented to entrepreneurship, self- employment or decent employment.

We favor
The sustainability of training centers through the development of socio-productive units where graduates participate.

We promote
A greater diffusion of work culture in all its expressions.
About us

We are a non-profit Civil Association born in Caracas in 2009, with the mission of promoting the value of work in Venezuelan society and thus the dignity of the person through education for work.
About us

We are a non-profit Civil Association born in Caracas in 2009, with the mission of promoting the value of work in Venezuelan society and thus the dignity of the person through education for work.

“Work is a fundamental dimension of the existence of man on earth”
Blog TYP
In English: Las Buenas Noticias de «Trabajo y Persona» – June 2023
Editorial A few years ago, our friends from the Orizzonti Association of Cesena (Italy), found out...
In English: Las Buenas Noticias de «Trabajo y Persona» – May 2023
Editorial "Social entrepreneurs are not content just with giving the fish or teaching how to fish....
In English: Las Buenas Noticias de «Trabajo y Persona» – April 2023
Editorial No one can be truly and authentically happy in a world where poverty and injustice...
“The nature of the person is relationship with the infinite”
“I feel that‘ work ’and‘ person’ complement each other because work makes the person and this gives meaning to work … congratulations to the organization for its tenth anniversary, I hope to share with you many more years of success”
“I work because my life intention is to help the welfare of others; because giving and working is an act of love”
“I congratulate Trabajo y Persona for these years of work in the country … they are an example. Go for plus!”
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