Blog TYP
Here we share the “Buenas Noticias” of the organization, the next activities and the path we walk along with our graduates

In English: Las Buenas Noticias de «Trabajo y Persona» – August 2018
Editorial "We no longer dare to believe in beauty and make of it mere appearance so that we may thus easily discard it. Our present situation shows us that beauty demands for herself at least as much courage and decision as truth and goodness do and that she will not...

In English: Las Buenas Noticias de «Trabajo y Persona» – July 2018
Editorial "Each generation believes it is destined to remake the world. Mine knows, however, that it will not be able to do so. But its task is perhaps greater. It is to prevent the world from unraveling. Heir to a corrupt history - in which failed revolutions, crazed...

In English: Las Buenas Noticias de «Trabajo y Persona» – June 2018
Editorial "When the night is, precisely, more closed and more confused, long live all those brave who build a bridge and the brave who cross it". This song by Jorge Drexler (Jorge Drexler) summarizes in a brilliant way two key issues of our times: reality and method....