Blog TYP
Here we share the “Buenas Noticias” of the organization, the next activities and the path we walk along with our graduates

In English: Las Buenas Noticias de «Trabajo y Persona» – April 2018
Editorial "Perhaps the only chance for survival of humanity is, in the end, in a sense of solidarity," Viktor Frankl wrote in his book Ante el vacío existencial. And it seems like a catastrophic affirmation based on something as fragile as the solidarity of human...

In English: Las Buenas Noticias de «Trabajo y Persona» – March 2018
Editorial "The human personality is formed to the extent that he develops a judgment about the experiences he has to live. Since the experience of pain is one of the most imposing, it can be said that the position before it is the same that man assumes before the...

In English: Las Buenas Noticias de «Trabajo y Persona» – February 2018
Editorial How many times do we feel we are plowing in the sea? As if the problems we are facing were of such magnitude that no effort is enough. There is a natural disproportion between our ability to "perform" and our desires to have a better planet, country, and...