San Benito
Born in 2011 as an initiative of Trabajo y Persona Civil Association, together with the chocolate teacher María Fernanda Di Giacobbe in her laboratory in KAKAO, bombones venezolanos, this project aims to improve the quality of life of women in situations of vulnerability in popular and rural sectors of Venezuela through training in entrepreneurship in chocolate.
Meet the project
In alliance with KAKAO, bombones venezolanos, Trabajo y Persona Civil Association offer graduates of the Emprendedoras del Chocolate (Entrepreneurs of Chocolate) program the opportunity to update professionally with widely experienced chocolatiers from KAKAO laboratories.
A unique training experience that favors not only the graduates of the program but the entire chocolate sector of Venezuela, resulting in the San Benito chocolates and tablets collection.

In this educational process, fundamental values such as work, honesty, sustainability, solidarity and trust are enhanced between companies and those benefited by this initiative.
We propose a corporate gift with social impact to offer their customers.
The profit margin of the collection sales will benefit the graduates of the Emprendedoras del Chocolate (Entrepreneurs of Chocolate) program directly through professional improvement activities and support for their ventures.
For orders:
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