This is a diploma endorsed by the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) that aims to train caregivers of older adults. The program has been supported by Ford Motor de Venezuela and is the first formal study of this type in the country.
Instaladores de TV Satelital
(Satellite TV Installers)
This program is executed in Gran Caracas in partnership with Fundación Telefónica and Movistar volunteers.
Agricultura Orgánica
(Organic Agriculture)
In this sector, efforts were added with the Centro de Aprendizaje Agrícola Don Bosco, Asociación Civil Ícaro, Venezuela Sin Límites and the Universidad del Zulia (LUZ).

Venezuela. El pueblo, el canto, el trabajo
(Venezuela. The People, the Song, the Work)
Together with the Editorial Ítaca celebrating its 30 year anniversary and Trabajo y Persona celebrating our tenth anniversary, we published a book-CD of Venezuelan songs with a common thread: work.
We selected a Venezuelan repertoire composed of traditional work songs and pieces of modern composers that help deepen the awareness of these workers; in which the astonishment for the beauty of the surroundings prevails, the attention to the relation with the coworkers and the longing for a good work day.
Produced by Aquiles Báez, this project involved more than 30 Venezuelan musicians, Fundación Bigott, Antequera Parilli & Rodríguez, among others.