Alejandro Marius was the only Venezuelan invited to the Skoll World Forum 2023
During the month of April Alejandro Marius, president of Trabajo y Persona, was invited by the global movement Catalyst 2030 to attend the Skoll World Forum 2023. The forum was held in Oxford, United Kingdom, with the aim of celebrating twenty years of impact, recognizing outstanding social entrepreneurs, and promoting the meeting between various actors worldwide. The event brought together thousands of social entrepreneurs, academics, and artists with representatives from the world’s leading impact funds and foundations. For three days they shared stories about the challenges affecting our humanity and the social, economic and cultural innovations that have the potential to drive systemic change. For his part, Alejandro participated in a discussion entitled “From seed to mouth”. He spoke about promoting sustainable and equitable food systems in Latin America, through a collaborative project together with other entrepreneurs from Argentina and Colombia. Alejandro Marius was the only Venezuelan representing the country in this forum.
Future Gastronomic Entrepreneurs presented their dishes
On April 24 and 25, within the framework of the Gastronomic Entrepreneurs project in partnership with the Canary Islands government and the NGO Cesal, twenty-six entrepreneurs presented their dishes after nine weeks of training. In the Genovia Novo Grill restaurant, the participants reflected on their preparations with their personal, family, and business stories, and highlighted the products of the Carabobo region. The future graduates achieved a perfect fusion between local gastronomy and the balance required by each dish. All participants showed great enthusiasm and camaraderie during the presentation. The evaluating jury those days included: Alejandro Marius, president of the association; Carolina Poleo, representative of the Canarian community in Valencia; chef Carlos Fierro; Professor Mitvya Blanco from FundaUC; Antonella Pinto, representative of CAVENIT. Also present were chefs Carlos Guzmán, Luis Gutiérrez from Expo Venezuela Gourmet, and Ronald Barrios from Genovia Novo Grill; the journalist from the Archdiocese of Valencia, Giovanny Zambrano, and Bárbara Améstica, coordinator of Cefim. The TyP team providing support included: Endrina Cerró, regional coordinator, César Córdoba, communications coordinator, and the local coordinators, Yralí Palacios and Francys Burgos.
ACALI organized disability awareness
On April 17, the young people of the Opening the Way to Inclusion (ACALI) project carried out an awareness about disability to Tourism students of the UPTM in Mérida. That day they explained to those present what their special condition is, their characteristics, and how they have overcome difficulties. The public also asked the speakers interesting questions such as the topic of sexual curiosity and how they manage to balance emotions. The ACALI youth were accompanied by representative Luz Mendez, Professor Gineth Rivolo from UPTM, and Professor Lila Moncada from TyP.
The first meeting of TyP graduates was held
On April 21, the first meeting of Trabajo y Persona graduates from the Chocolate and Gastronomy programs took place at the headquarters of the Music School of the Universidad de Los Andes. The day included the organization of a motivational workshop guided by the renowned coach Eliane Coronado. It is the first time that graduates from both programs participated together in a training activity.
Gastronomic entrepreneurs receive advice from chef Damián Boada
On April 28, chef and influencer Damián Boada gave a presentation and advice to the participants of Emprendedoras Gastronómicas360 Caracas at the Espacio Suizo Foundation. At the meeting, the gastronomic expert spoke to them about the importance of presenting the dish, creativity, social networks, and entrepreneurship, as well as sharing his experiences and anecdotes from his beginnings. He also highlighted the fact that the personal stories of each one are part of the service and products they offer and invited them to remember the importance of creating an experience for the diner. It was an enriching activity, and at the end, there was partaking of products brought by the participants.
Meringue and nozzle handling workshop
On April 28, entrepreneurs from Carúpano participated in the workshop “Meringues and nozzle handling” facilitated by Marithé Martínez (@marithepilarcake), a graduate of the Entrepreneurship and Nutrition project, who shared her experience and knowledge in the pastry area. In the activity, she explained to the participants what merengue is, the types that exist, as well as the techniques and handling of the nozzles. Likewise, they learned how to make Italian meringue and the different ways that it can be decorated with each nozzle. The workshop was held at Casa Otaola, and the graduate was accompanied by the local coordinator, Lineth Rosario. The participants were delighted with everything they learned and the tips that the facilitator shared with them.

Forochat “Commercial Donuts”
On April 20, the first forochat “Commercial Donuts” was held by Osiris Tineo @chefositineo and Yumaira Guedez @somosyumacake, graduates of Guarenas Gastronomic Entrepreneurs who were among the top five in the training for their performance and performance. It was organized via Telegram with the aim of teaching how to make totally commercial-covered donuts. 128 participants were registered among the general public and cohorts from Guarenas and Caracas. This was the first of three forochats that both presenters will be carrying out as an opportunity for growth and training for anyone who wants to strengthen their business.

Eneida Useche led a discussion on elderly care
The graduate of the II online cohort of Cuidadores360, Eneida Useche, presented a discussion entitled “The new longevity, adults caring for adults” together with the director of institutional development of Trabajo y Persona, Diana Hernández, within the framework of the VII Venezuelan Congress of Elderly Management organized by @funda.cainte on April 22. In it, they discussed the situation of this part of the population globally and nationally, and how there are currently more adults caring for the elderly or adults with disabilities, both as family and/or professional caregivers. They also spoke about how this reality is faced by caregivers and what aspects should be considered for the care of the caregiver. The event was held at the Meliá Caracas Hotel.
Yulvic de Chávez delights the Tocuyano palate with Dulces Chepy
The graduate of the IV cohort of Entrepreneurship and Nutrition El Tocuyo, Yulvic de Chávez, continues to make different desserts and snacks for her venture Dulces Chepy. The pastry chef has always felt attracted to gastronomy, but it was thanks to Trabajo y Persona that she specialized in desserts. Despite being allergic to vanilla, Yulvic sees this as a strength because it prompted her to experiment with other flavors and scents. Among them, her most outstanding product: a cake with a passion fruit and chocolate base. When sharing her experience within the association, Yulvic points out that TyP helped her grow in her goals.

Rosa Rangel created a gastronomic entrepreneurship newsletter
The graduate of the III cohort of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, Rosa Rangel, started her own newsletter on Substack entitled Somos Dulceros. In it, she writes about gastronomic entrepreneurship issues that can be useful to many in this profession. Among the interesting topics that she has shared is a reflection on the use of artificial intelligence in gastronomy. She invites everyone to visit the page, subscribe and post comments.
Ana Victoria González received certification with international links
The graduate of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, Ana Victoria González, received certification from the Culinary Association of Venezuela and the Ibero-American Institute of Recreation, Tourism and Gastronomy, in the III professional validation of chocolates with international links. It was a training of 150 academic hours, and as a result of that certification, the Ibero-American Institute nominated Ana Victoria for a degree in gastronomy with a mention in Endogenous Development. After sending the requested documentation, she received the pleasant surprise of being selected. The graduate is already enrolled at Simón Rodríguez University.

Astrid Mesa opened her business
The graduate of the Entrepreneurship and Nutrition-Gastronomy360 program, Astrid Mesa, started her venture Al-Natural: Your healthy food. Her business arose with the vision of promoting healthy and balanced eating by offering 100% organic food without chemical additives, especially for people who must follow a diet or who like to eat healthy. It has a good repertoire of recipes for healthy eating that it adds to the menus weekly.
María Paola Galarraga and her most recent achievement
The graduate of the II virtual cohort of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, María Paola Galarraga (@maria.paola.gv), continues to work for her business Mariposa Azul, and now sells her various products in the sector called El Pueblito Andino in the Market Principal of the Merida state.

Narmy Uzcátegui experiments with new coffee flavors
The graduate of Gastronomic Entrepreneurs in alliance with the NGO CESAL, Narmy Uzcátegui (@granero_food), has set out to design exquisite coffee aromas and flavors in her Granero Food venture. In April, she acquired a new processing mill and a sealing machine with the aim of offering a quality product and good presentation to customers.
Carmen Pinto united two life pleasures: books and chocolate
The graduate of the II cohort of the Diploma in Chocolate Entrepreneurship, Carmen Pinto, participated with her venture the Mikuticum Artisan Chocolate Shop in the Book and Language World Week in partnership with her commercial ally La Rama Dorada in Mérida city. Under the premise of “one book, one chocolate” she combined two wonderful life pleasures, and the concept was widely accepted by tourists and visitors.

Katty Tineo participated in the Anzoátegui Entrepreneurs Fair
The Gastronomic Entrepreneur, graduate of the IV Entrepreneurship and Nutrition-Gastronomy360 cohort, Katty Tineo (@superkatty_2001), participated with her venture SK Cooking Dreams at the Anzoátegui Entrepreneurs Fair. The event was held on International Earth Day, and the graduate offered products such as carrot cake-flavored sweet muffins, banana chips, savory pizza muffins, chicken with leek, as well as jellies and granolas, among others.
Maria Gonzalez assisted with a youth retreat during Holy Week
The Gastronomic Entrepreneur graduated from the IV Cohort of Entrepreneurship and Nutrition – Gastronomía360, María González, was in charge together with her venture El Fogón de Ada y Lucho (@elfogondeadaylucho) of preparing the lunches and dinners for the Easter Youth retreat during Holy Week. Everything was organized by the Kairoi Young Evangelizers of the Nuestra Señora de Begoña Parish in the city of Valencia. The graduate María served as a volunteer for the logistics of feeding the young people.

Angélica Mujica added a new type of tequeño to her menu
The graduate of the III cohort of the virtual course of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, Angélica Mujica (@delitequesyalgomas), included delicious low-gluten tequeños on her menu, made from plantains and with a low-salt cheese, which has had very good acceptance by her clientele and has allowed it to expand its audience in the city of Valencia.
Ma. Laura García celebrated Easter with a special event
The Gastronomic Entrepreneur who graduated from the IV Cohort of Entrepreneurship and Nutrition – Gastronomía360, Ma. Laura García (@nitascakesvln), celebrated Easter together with the C.C. La Granja in the city of Valencia. This alliance provided fun and joy to the children who visited the shopping center through the decoration and tasting of cookies alluding to this special date.

Rafaela Runque instructed her first workshop
The graduate of the I cohort of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, Rafaela Runque (@rafaela.chocoarte), made her debut as a trainer through a basic chocolate workshop. In the training, she exposed topics such as: chopping chocolate and preparing molds, tempering technique, intervened bars and chocolates: French and Belgian techniques. It was carried out in La Victoria, Aragua state, and had the participation of five apprentices of this beautiful trade.
Mayra Castellanos continues with the Cocoa Route
The graduate of the II cohort of the Diploma in Chocolatier Entrepreneurship, Mayra Castellanos, continues the Ruta del Cacao training with Bean To Bar workshops. On this occasion, she worked with mosaics of Sur del Lago cocoa from the Quebrada El Loro area in the state of Mérida.