Workshop on Pricing strategies for products and services
On May 4, 7 and 11, the forum on Pricing strategies for products and services was held with the aim of supporting entrepreneurs in the design of cost structures and estimation of prices of products and services. The activity was carried out using the WhatsApp messaging tool, in three sessions of approximately 1 hour, with participation from graduates of Valencia from the Emprendimiento y Nutrición – Gastronomía360 (Entrepreneurship and Nutrition – Gastronomy360) program, and Emprendedoras del Chocolate (Chocolate Entrepreneurs) from the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project.
Students from Valencia participated in the online workshop Knowing cocoa and chocolate
From May 18 to 21, and within the framework of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, the first online workshop Knowing cocoa and chocolate was held in the city of Valencia, Carabobo. Twenty one students ranging from 15 to 17 years of age participated and showed great interest in learning about this food and its importance for the development of the country.

May 1 was International Labor Day, and our team took that opportunity to tell why work is so important to the individual and for society …
#YoTrabajoEnCasa #YoTrabajoEnMí #YoTrabajoPorElBienComún.