Blog TYP
Here we share the “Buenas Noticias” of the organization, the next activities and the path we walk along with our graduates

In English: Las Buenas Noticias de «Trabajo y Persona» – January 2021
Editorial “Work is what must be given / and its value to work / and to those who work in the factory / and to those who work in the fields, / and to those who work in the mine / and to those who work on the ship, / what must be given is everything, light, and blood,...

In English: Las Buenas Noticias de «Trabajo y Persona» – December 2020
Editorial "Like looking both ways before crossing the street and then being hit by a submarine," wrote a 9-year-old boy in the Washington Post's 2020 Most Popular Words and Phrases poll. Much has already been written about how that “submarine” called coronavirus has...

In English: Las Buenas Noticias de «Trabajo y Persona» – November 2020
Editorial “Every day we are offered a new opportunity, a new phase. We do not have to expect everything from those who govern us, it would be childish. We enjoy a space of co-responsibility capable of initiating and generating new processes and transformations. Let us...