Webinar “Caring is always possible”
On April 7, the Center for Advanced Social Research (CISAV) of Mexico, organized the webinar Caring is always possible: a look from anthropology and deontology, which was carried out through the Zoom platform. At this seminar, graduates of Cuidadores360 (Caregivers360) and participants of the II cohort of the virtual Cuidadores360 course participated as guests. Topics such as euthanasia and assisted suicide were discussed.
Chat Forum “Cold cakes, are they just Marquesas?”
On April 13, the chat forum Cold cakes, are they only Marquesas? was facilitated by the Sous-pastry chef Mayely Gutiérrez, with the aim of clearing up the common confusion that not all cold cakes are marquesas. It had the participation of 275 graduates of the various Trabajo y Persona training programs, as well as six guests among others: four representatives from Agrofresa from the Bailadores region, and two allies from the Mérida region. Topics such as types of cold cakes and their origin, unbaked cakes, and imperial chocolate cakes were addressed.

V Venezuelan Congress on Management of the Elderly
From April 14 to 16, the CAINTE Foundation organized the V Venezuelan Congress on Management of the Elderly: Myths and Realities, through the Zoom platform. The academic coordinator of Cuidadores360, Yndira Díaz, participated with the presentation The art of caring for older adults to graduates of this program and the current virtual cohort who learned about the challenges of caring for older adults in the pandemic, as well as solutions in order to continue with the mission of helping them during these difficult times.
Chat forum “Sweet dough: Golfeados”
The chat forum Sweet dough: Golfeados was held on April 22 and was facilitated by Hugo Rivero, local coordinator of Trabajo y Persona. Participants included 205 graduates of the different programs of the organization, who learned how Golfeados, among the best-known and most representative breads of the Venezuelan bakery, are made. After the activity, numerous positive testimonials and photos of the results were presented as a result of the knowledge obtained.

Chat forum “Using eggplant in the kitchen”
The chat forum Using eggplant in the kitchen was organized on April 27 and facilitated by Nayrobis Mata, a graduate of the virtual course of Bombonería Artesanal (Artisanal Bombonería) and a specialist in food preservation. The activity was divided into two groups with different schedules: one for graduates of Trabajo y Persona, and another for the general public, with a total of 398 people participating. The training was focused on the use of eggplant and its conservation.

María Paola Galarraga published a recipe book
On April 29, the participant of the 2nd virtual cohort of Bombonería Artesanal, María Paola Galarraga, published on Amazon her book entitled: Delicious and healthy recipes for every day, aimed to people who want to know how to take care of themselves and have a balanced diet. Her inspiration behind this book came from her last trip abroad where she saw a need and decided to write about healthy cooking with true nutrition facts.

Chocolates Heroicas entrepreneurs continue training
The Chocolate Entrepreneurs, Emma Torrealba, Verónica Prieto, and Marlene Briceño, founders of @chocolates__heroicas, offered the Belgian Bombonería Virtual Workshop in alliance with the French Venezuelan CCI. Content taught included history of chocolate, types of chocolate, bombón structure and elaboration, fillings, and conservation.
Juan Carlos Ramírez: a great worker and an example to follow
The participant in the Formación de Formadores (Training of Trainers), carried out within the framework of the Belleza por un Futuro (Beauty for a Future) program, Juan Carlos Ramírez, is an example of effort and teamwork for his colleagues. In April, he carried out a balayage technique work to unify the color of a client, mixing it with different products. Juan Carlos also shares his knowledge with his fellow workers, in addition to guiding them in each process and encouraging them to move forward

María Fernanda Corredor: one year after starting her entrepreneurship
The Beauty Entrepreneur, who graduated from the Belleza por un Futuro program, María Fernanda Corredor, has completed one year since she decided to start a project after difficult situations. With the arrival of the pandemic, she began to sell desserts and food with her mother to reach the final goal: a training academy, which she managed to complete on November 13, 2020 with the remodeling of a space that she turned into the Mafer beauty Studio (@maferstudio.14). She currently conducts courses and has trained 40 women.
María Pineda gave a personalized confectionery workshop
The Chocolate Entrepreneur and founder of @maguizcakes, María Pineda, gave a personalized Drip Cakes workshop, delving into drip-style buttercream cakes, as well as all the secrets that the development of this trend keeps. The new student, without any experience in this art, was able to make her cake from scratch in a single class, making the dough of moist chocolate cake, two fillings, two types of buttercream, Swiss meringue, chocolate bars, and ganaches.

María Gabriela Andrea: her last chocolate creation after defeating Covid-19
The participant of the virtual course of Bombonería Artesanal, María Gabriela Andrea, continues the Bean to bar technique from home in an artisanal way. After overcoming Covid-19, she has been reactivated to continue growing in her entrepreneurial project @conkakawa, creating 70% chocolate bars.