
“Beauty will save the world.” This powerful affirmation has inspired several of the initiatives that we have developed in Trabajo y Persona; however, a great friend pointed out to me that this quote by Fyodor Dostoyevsky falls short in the face of the challenges we face as humanity. In this dialogue he made me notice how the beauty (aesthetics) with which the Nazi officers lived during World War II continues to be verified: from the works of art they owned, the music they listened to, and even the design of the uniforms. On the contrary, the beauty that surrounded them did not move one millimeter all the death and terror that they caused.
Continuing the conversation, he put on the table an essential element that is missing in the statement of the great Russian poet: charity. Because beauty runs the risk of being reduced to a simple aesthetic if it does not include love. In fact, things made with love are usually beautiful; it is especially evident when someone works with love, taking care of details, serving the customer properly and not pretending kindness just to provide a good service.
In fact, the attempt to “save the world”, although it is a positive and authentic desire, in practical terms seems utopian; and the same happens with SDGs when they consider the “end of poverty” or “zero hunger”. However, even though no one disputes the value of sharing these goals and working to achieve them, the “charity” category introduces another look at the same problems. Hence, therefore, the need, not only for no one to be “left behind”, but for no one to be “left alone”; loneliness is only cured with a charitable presence.

That is why programs and projects responding to the needs of the most vulnerable and being well designed, implemented, measurable, and technically and financially sustainable must include these two factors: beauty and charity. Human beings need not only to cover their basic needs and rights to be respected but also to be treated with affection and to be able to breathe a beauty that communicates living hope.

Because even if we resolve all social problems and reduce the inequalities to which we are witnesses, it is essential to take into account Benedict XVI’s statement in the encyclical Deus Caritas Est, stating that “love — caritas — will always be necessary, even in the fairest of societies.”

Alejandro Marius
Graduates participated in Expo Venezuela Gourmet

From July 29 to 31, the 4th edition of the Venezuela Gourmet Expo was held at the Tamanaco Caracas Hotel, which was attended by several graduates of Chocolate Entrepreneurs such as Emma Torrealba (with her brand name) and Marlene Briceño (from Bésame Negro), and graduates of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao Project such as Diana Arocha (Pan Barroco), Mary Carmen Bravo (MCB Xocolate), Leticia Navarro (ChocoVelvet), Marlyz García (Choconectar) and Miriam Rada (Chartey Chocolate), who were able to establish new networking and showcased their products. It was an event created and organized by @chefluisgourmet and thanks to the invitation of the CCIAVF allies, the graduates were able to enjoy three days full of gastronomy, business, education, and tourism in Venezuela.

Companionship meetings for Gastronomic Entrepreneurs

On August 12 and 23, within the framework of the Gastronomic Entrepreneurs project, the graduates attended three meetings in which specialists spoke about a topic. They then commented in groups on what was covered with the intention of continuing to train the graduates, getting to know each other, discovering common points, and creating community. Topics developed included Protocol and event decoration by Maribel Piñero, and Healthy Food by Megbis Pérez. This activity took place at the facilities of the Larense Canary Home in Barquisimeto, state of Lara.

Forochat: the creation of content for networks

On August 31, the forum chat “Creating content for networks” was held through the Telegram platform. Graduates from different programs in Mérida and Carúpano participated in the activity, in which they were able to learn how to use tools to create quality content in various formats that can capture customers’ attention on the main social networks. They also learned important tips for designing images and videos, as well as using Canva and CapCut applications.

VTDC graduates in a validation program as chocolatiers

Graduates of the II virtual cohort of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, Heidy Sevilla (@chocoachamoscacaos), and Ma. Gabriela Andrea (@conkakawa), as well as the graduate of the 1st cohort, Rafaella Runque (@rrafaella.chocoarte), were in the 3rd validation program as chocolatiers in Aragua, along with the Culinary Association of Venezuela. Heidy and Rafaella were trained and updated in the Bean to Bar process and the marketing of their products for two weeks, and obtained tools for the integral development of their brands. Likewise, the graduate Ma. Gabriela Andrea was part of the team of trainers from the El Casino hacienda in Choroní, with whom she works in an alliance for the elaboration of her products.

Geraldine Zerpa was a commercial ally of Miss Carabobo 2022

The graduate of the I cohort of the Diploma in Chocolate Entrepreneurship, Geraldine Zerpa, participated as a commercial ally of Miss Carabobo 2022. With her entrepreneurship “Between Coffee and Cacao”, she was present at different events prior to the pageant election, as well as on the last day. Geraldine prepared chocolates that were given as gifts to the candidates and members of the jury.

Chocolate Entrepreneurs Conference

The Chocolate Entrepreneurs, Marlene Briceño (@besamenegrocacao) and Emma Torrealba (@emma.torrealba), presented the conference “Cocoa Vinegar an Innovative Ingredient” within the framework of Expo Venezuela Gourmet.  They talked about the importance of cocoa beyond chocolate, thus supporting the event and Venezuelan cuisine.

A new step for Tiffani Moncada’s academy

The Beauty Entrepreneur who graduated from the VIII cohort, Tiffani Moncada (@tiffmoncada), decided to team up with her husband, director of music videos, to offer makeup services to the artists in the videos. On this occasion, they worked together with the Neighborhood Dreams team to serve Luis Fernando Borjas, a Venezuelan musician and singer, in his video “Cartelera.” The Tiff Academy (@tiffacademia) trains entrepreneurs in the beauty trade and sells related products, and currently offers step-up makeup services to artists.

Darling Rendon: Content Creator

The Beauty Entrepreneur who graduated from the VIII cohort, Darling Rendon (@esdarlingrendon), is currently creating written content, preparing ideas for social networks, and managing advertising for a beauty academy located in Caracas. In addition, she takes photos and records live videos. The knowledge acquired in her training as a Beauty Entrepreneur has allowed her to develop different skills in the entrepreneurial world.

Alexandra Molina’s dogfish empanadas are back in style

The graduate of the II cohort of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, Alexandra Molina (@mocinas_eventos), has experimented with various products and flavors making her breakfasts infallible and creating a space with quality products. That is why she decided to add dogfish empanadas back to her menu, which has had a good response from her customers, highlighting the flavor, texture and love that Alexandra projects through her work.

Ma. Gabriela Barreto is still training

The graduate of the 1st cohort of the virtual course of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, Ma. Gabriela Barreto (@tastydessertsmaria), began the second module of the Advanced Pastry course at the Extension Center of the José Antonio Páez University (CEUJAP). Her passion for this gastronomic area has been highlighted, being her engine and motivation in the preparation of each dessert. Her goal is to continue her training and to be an excellent professional in order for her products to be of the highest quality.

Angélica Mujica’s tequeños are a success

The graduate of the III cohort of the virtual course of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, Angélica Mujica (@delitequesyalgomas), increasingly makes her entrepreneurship known in her town, where she is the trusted provider of appetizers, and prepared or ready-to-fry breakfasts. Through her social networks, she receives weekly orders and distributes her tequeños, including special orders such as chocolate tequeños and her Christmas recipe that includes ham bread flavors.

Maria Laura Molina celebrates the anniversary of her entrepreneurship

The Gastronomic Entrepreneur who graduated from the 1st cohort, María Laura Molina, celebrated with her team, friends and family the second anniversary of her venture UMAMI Restaurant (@umamirestaurarte), located in the town of Tovar, state of Mérida.  As part of the celebration, several events were held, such as the opening of an art exhibition with works by local artists, and a gastronomic meeting with talks by special guests such as chef Valentina Inglessis, chef Saul Hernández, chef Ricardo Castillo and Mrs. Michelle Lee.

A special gift from three graduates

The graduates of the I and II cohort of the Diploma in Chocolate Entrepreneurship, Christie Zerpa, Zoeling Chung and Geraldine Zerpa, gave a present to Valentina Quintero during her visit to Mérida. Valentina, for her part, made a post on Instagram recognizing the work of these women.

Marlin Zambrano adds improvements to her business

The graduate of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, Marlin Zambrano, has created her venture called Food Lover’s, in which she has extended her gastronomic offer to a variety of savory dishes and appetizers. Marlin has her own premises in the town of Bailadores and has recently included delivery for customers.

Marian Rodríguez gave a basic chocolate workshop

The graduate of the I cohort of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao (VTDC) project, Marian Rodríguez, held a basic chocolate workshop for entrepreneurs of VTDC and Entrepreneurship and Nutrition – Gastronomy 360, from cohort I to V of Carúpano. The entrepreneurs learned generalities about chocolate, its chemical composition and fluidity, the basic utensils and equipment to use, types of molds, confectionery using Belgian and French techniques, and ways of presenting chocolate without molds.

Entrepreneurs showed their products at the Carúpano exhibition

The Entrepreneurs of the project Venezuela Tierra de Cacao, and Entrepreneurship and Nutrition – Gastronomy 360 from cohort I to V of Carúpano, Virginia Rodríguez, Ana Sifontes, Yaletsy Rosas, Leidy Ramirez, Lorena Luiggi and Ely Luigi, participated in an exhibition of products made in the festivities of Santa Rosa de Lima, patron saint of Carúpano. Among the products presented were: coconut nougat, vanilla and chocolate cookies, chocolate bonbons, cocoa balls, chocolate popsicles, truffles, marble cakes, milk pears, pizzas, cookie and chocolate ice cream, and fermented cocoa drinks, among others.

Mebgis Pérez trains entrepreneurs in health-related topics

The Chocolate Entrepreneur, Mebgis Pérez, has provided training on healthy food to Gastronomic Entrepreneurs during some support meetings. The graduate focuses on publicizing the benefits of healthy food and the current market around it, thus managing to give examples of her life experience with her entrepreneurship and inspiring the participants.