
“Beauty exists to fascinate work, work exists to be reborn.” This phrase from the Polish poet CK Norwid was spinning in my head a year ago and I was wondering what beauty had to do with vocational training and entrepreneurship, beyond working well. Is a good chocolate with an impressive packaging, a spectacular haircut, a beautiful piece of furniture, a neat and clean mechanical workshop or a well-made and presented plate of food enough? In other words, is the only way to transmit the work culture is by working well or can it be communicated in another way?

Thank God I have friends who breathe culture and live their work with passion and seriousness: from the ideas with Aquiles of playing music that speaks of San Benito and San Juan for the cocoa harvests, passing through the dialogues with Karina to train musical entrepreneurs in Petare, to know the passion with which Elisa conducts an orchestra until reaching Francisco’s desire to live off his work as a guitarist and do his thesis on Cultural Management. All those encounters helped me understand that one of the objectives of Work and Person, “to promote the culture of work”, could take a turn.

In this way, the latest Work and Person project is being developed, together with many friends and allies: Venezuela. The people, the song, the work, because the Venezuelan works singing and there is much wealth in Venezuelan music that talks about work or that was born while working.

To rebuild a country we not only need a good government, an organized civil society, responsible businessmen, many entrepreneurs, professionals, and people passionate about multiple trades, but we also need beauty. We could paraphrase Norwid and expand his expression by saying that culture exists to fascinating work, and especially music is an immediate and intuitive way to inspire work and express that fascinating relationship between being and doing.

Furthermore, says Bernhard Scholz, at a time like the one we live in Venezuela, “listening to or, better still, singing the songs of a people makes us participants in their history, in the hopes and sufferings that have marked and mark their lives. The song leads us into a deep and compassionate self-absorption; we can see the smiles and wrinkles on the faces, the hands molded by work and extended to embrace the friend, the eyes filled with the light of joyful expectation or clouded by the tears of unexpected pain ”.

Alejandro Marius
Carabobo has a new cohort of “Emprendedoras del Chocolate” (Chocolate Entrepreneurs)

On July 11, the graduation ceremony of seventeen women who belong to the first cohort of Chocolate Entrepreneurs (Emprendedoras del Chocolate) of Valencia was held, within the framework of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project. The graduation ceremony was held at the Braulio Salazar University Gallery, where the president of CAVENIT, Alfredo D’Ambrosio; the general manager of the CCIAVF, Mercedes Nuñez; and the president of “Trabajo y Persona”, Alejandro Marius.

Self-makeup course for members of the Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Symphony Orchestra

On July 16, within the framework of the 30th anniversary of the Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Symphony Orchestra, Trabajo y Persona together with L’Oréal Venezuela organized the self -makeup course for its members, with the aim that they learn the basic techniques of makeup and they could look even more beautiful for their anniversary concert and future performances. The workshop was held at the L’Oréal Venezuela facilities, and was led by volunteers Juan Aponte and Yasmili Rubio; in the company of the graduate of the 7th cohort of Entrepreneurs of Beauty, Neyllen Piñate.

Barquisimeto graduates received training from KPMG

On July 17, KPMG provided Labor and Person graduates from Barquisimeto, edo. Lara, the Emotional Salary Workshop , in which the participants received non-financial compensation strategies for their future employees and collaborators, as well as the importance of offering recognition to their staff and the benefits of fostering a pleasant work environment. The training took place at the KPMG Barquisimeto facilities, and was led by Emir Chávez.

“Trabajo y Persona” (Work and Personparticipated in the Caracas StartupWeek

On July 18, within the framework of StarupWeek, “Trabajo y Persona” offered to graduates of its different programs, the Personal Branding and Image Workshop for entrepreneurs, dictated by the trainer and professional makeup artist, Juan Aponte; and the lecturer and specialist in Personal Branding, Fernando Ríos. The training was held at the Impact Hub Caracas and was aimed at answering the questions: Who are you? What do you sell? What do you project ?; in addition to emphasizing the relationship image, entrepreneurship, and personal brand.

“Emprendedoras del Chocolate” (Chocolate Entrepreneursfrom Guatire received the French Ambassador to Venezuela

On July 23, despite power failures, graduates of the Chocolate Entrepreneurs (Emprendedoras del Chocolate) program in Guatire received representatives from the French Embassy in Venezuela, led by the French Ambassador to Venezuela, Romain Nadal. The meeting was held at the San Pedro Chocolate School Laboratory in Guatire, and the Bishop of the Diocese of Guarenas, Mons. Gustavo García Naranjo; the parish priest, Beltrán Sánchez; the director of the Cecal Santa Ana María Goretti, Pastor Dumo; and the founder of “Trabajo y Persona”, Alejandro Marius.

“Trabajo y Persona” (Work and Person) participated in the first meeting of B Companies in Venezuela

In July, Trabajo y Persona was present at the Cafecito meeting with community B in Venezuela, where Leather Heart presented its initiative of teddies with a purpose, as part of the first companies in Venezuela to promote this positive impact model, which seeks to generate ideas for a greater good.

– The graduate of Entrepreneurs of Chocolate, Marlene Briceño, accompanied the Protein team in the celebration of Architect’s Day, with the tasting of their exquisite chocolates; In addition, the entertainment was broadcast live on Circuito Onda, through the program “Lo Mejor de todo”, by Viviana Gibelli, in which they interviewed several directors of Protein; the dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the Central University of Venezuela, Gustavo Izaguirre; the Director of Institutional Development, Diana Hernández; and to our graduate, which allowed her to share her experience as a chocolatier and promote her products.
– On July 16, Chocolates Heroicas participated in the Living in Venezuela today event. Challenges and opportunities carried out at the UCV. From the hand of the Civil Association “Trabajo y Persona”, Heroicas explained their training in the trade of chocolate and the comprehensive support on Work Culture for Personal fulfillment, given to all its graduates. “We talked about our experience, the creation of Heroics as an innovative brand that allows us to focus on transcendent objectives in today’s Venezuela and link ourselves as individuals with common interests in our society.”