
We are experiencing an era change marked by events that not only have affected our lives in the present but also have come to change our paradigms in the way we work, watch our health and care for others, protect our “common home”, view the economy, migratory processes and even put world peace at risk. We had not yet come out of the Covid-19 pandemic and the war begins in Ukraine, along with the particular situations that each country has to live through.
The dramas that come with armed conflicts always touch our deepest fibers because they threaten people’s lives directly. For this reason, it is normal for the war in Ukraine to displace from the headlines other conflicts and problems that are being experienced in our countries, such as the prolonged crisis that we continue to experience in Venezuela. But deep down, all these circumstances raise similar questions:
Where does the courage of the Ukrainian civilian population come from, who have decided to stay in their country and bet on a future? Why have so many Europeans turned to humanitarian initiatives to welcome those who have had to leave their country? But in the same way, we can ask: How are initiatives born in so many fellow countries to receive and support migrant Venezuelans who want to work? Where does the desire to stay and learn a trade to work in Venezuela come from, when it is easier to receive emergency aid?
There are compelling facts that escape any political, social, and economic analysis. Impact with reality is the most powerful way to awaken our humanity. From the desire for freedom, justice, truth and beauty, to be able to feed oneself, have access to medicine, or be able to work to cover basic needs and fulfill oneself as a person.
Recently, I met a woman who wakes up at three-thirty in the morning to get to in-person classes with the aim of training as a caregiver for the elderly, and when she has virtual classes she sits on the street, next to the only local business that has wifi, in order to study. This is a fact that leaves little room for interpretation and analysis.
As Luigi Giussani has always stated: in the face of all the power (political, economic, and also military) in this world, there is a point of all creation that is irreducible: the I. For this reason, we have to safeguard that humanity and the genuine expression of the desires that we mentioned before so that in that dynamic each person can find the totalizing response to the meaning of their life.

Alejandro Marius
Practical classes of Caregivers360

In the month of March, the practical classes of Caregivers360 were carried out under the alliance with the Embassy of Switzerland and the endorsement of the Extension Directorate of the UCV. Training took place in the facilities of the Provincial House of the Salesian Don Bosco Sisters. Included among the classes that the trainees were able to attend were: Food Responsibility for older adults under the guidance of Marlene Briceño. Also, physiotherapy, transfers, mobilizations and their relevance in the care of the elderly, dictated by Daniel Tamayo. Additionally, CPR and first aid classes for beginners, taught by Carlos Alexone. Bedridden hygiene, taught by Dulce Rodríguez and Gissel Roja; Assisted oral hygiene for older adults, people with disabilities and bedridden patients, taught by the dentist Yosmar Márquez. Emotion management classes, taught by Dr. Jazmín Sambrano. Finally, injection workshop, in which the different techniques and the responsibility that their application implies were explained.

Caregivers360 visit to the Casa Madre Emilia de San José Community

In March, the visit of Caregivers360 was organized in partnership with the Swiss Embassy to the Casa Madre Emilia de San José Community in Montalbán, Caracas, where the students had the opportunity to share with 40 older adults, and carried out fun and recreational activities such as dances, board games, garden station, and crafts. In addition, they shared a delicious snack. This activity had the support and supervision of the Games for Peace facilitators.

Gastronomic Entrepreneurs course begins

On March 14 and 22, the First Cohort of Gastronomic Entrepreneurs began in Lara, made up of 66 selected women. This blended course is developed in conjunction with the Adelis Sisirucá School of Gastronomy (@adelissisiruca), which is in charge of facilitating all the contents of the trade.

Meeting of Caregivers360 trainees with managers

On March 23, the meeting of Caregivers360 trainees took place in alliance with the Swiss Embassy together with directors such as Dr. Mucci and Mildred Rengifo from the Extension Directorate of the UCV, and Alejandro Marius, founding president of Trabajo y Persona. At the meeting, they had the opportunity to listen to the emotional testimonies and experiences of the participants, as well as a demonstration to the guests of the Use of the Simulator carried out by the same trainees in the Provincial House Srs. Salesian Don Bosco.

Nancy Silva received recognition from the CCIAVF

On Women’s Day, the French-Venezuelan Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (CCIAVF) gave special recognition to the educational work of Chocolate Entrepreneur Nancy Silva, founder of the brand @chocolateskirikire, who forms women to learn about the Venezuelan cocoa, its processes, best practices and its various ranges of products. This commits her more and more to the country’s cocoa and chocolate community.

Virtual meeting of VTDC graduates

On March 3, the proposals for the Accompaniment of 24 graduates from Venezuela Tierra de Cacao Gran Caracas were carried out. This meeting was virtual through a webinar aiming to listen to the needs and ideas of the graduates about their ventures that are gradually being established. At the meeting, necessary knowledge was identified to reinforce for the graduates and their businesses, such as practical courses in the Bean to Bar trade and finance issues for their enterprises.

Marlene Briceño on the Chocolate Route

The Chocolate Entrepreneur, Marlene Briceño, participated with her venture “Bésame Negro” (@besamenegrocacao) in the Chocolate Route, located this month in Parque del Este. With a group of entrepreneurs taking advantage of the space to offer their products to consumers, Marlene also used this opportunity to strengthen marketing and increase sales for her business.

Leonardo Correa successfully completed his studies

On March 22, the graduate of the I cohort of Driving your Future, Leonardo Correa, successfully completed his studies at T.S.U. in Automotive Technology, a career studied at the University Institute of Industrial Technology IUTI and where he managed to continue his training as an entrepreneur in mechanics.

Mercedes Escalona reactivated her business

The Gastronomic Entrepreneur and graduate of the II cohort of Entrepreneurship and Nutrition-Gastronomy360 El Tocuyo, Mercedes Escalona, ​restarted together with her family her dairy product venture based on goat’s milk. The milk used is obtained from the herd of goats that Mercedes, together with her husband, has managed to maintain. Also, in recent months they have received academic training in the production area to guarantee excellent quality, freshness and attention to detail in each product they offer.

Maria Gabriela Gil unveiled her brand at a healthy Expo

The Gastronomic Entrepreneur and graduate of the II cohort of Entrepreneurship and Nutrition – Gastronomy360, Maria Gabriela Gil, participated in the 1st Healthy Trends Expo 2022 in the city of Lecherías, Edo. Anzoátegui with her Celicioso Foods brand. She presented her line of natural, organic and special products for people living with celiac disease and for the general public such as gluten-free flour, dehydrated items, etc. The products of her venture highlight the excellent quality of the production of cassava, sweet potato, coconut, pineapple, and the products derived from the lands of Carúpano.

Lenny Longart participated in Carúpano fair

The graduate of the 1st in-person cohort of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, Lenny Longart, participated with her Delicateses Lennys venture in the 1st fair of the Entrepreneurial Route 2022, organized by Fedeindustria Sucre, showing her line of cocoa-derived products such as cocoa balls, tablets, chocolates, and chocolate lollipops.

Johanna Mundarain presented her brand at the expo for the first time

The Gastronomic Entrepreneur and graduate of the III virtual cohort of the Entrepreneurship and Nutrition – Gastronomy360 program, Johanna Mundarain, made her debut as a participant in the Expo platform E event, in which she presented her JL Details brand for the first time with products such as creamy and three-milks cakes.

Virginia Rodríguez attended the 1st fair of the Entrepreneurial Route 2022

The graduate of the V virtual cohort of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, Virginia Rodríguez, participated with her Chocolate Mi Ricura venture in the 1st fair of the Entrepreneurial Route 2022, organized by Fedeindustria Sucre, and exhibited her line of products originating from cocoa such as cocoa pellets, hot chocolate, bonbons, chocolate spreads, among others.

Migdalia Escalona and her didactic vocation in pastry and bakery

The Gastronomic Entrepreneur and graduate of the IV cohort of the Entrepreneurship and Nutrition – Gastronomy360 program, Migdalia Escalona, ​​is organizing and giving one-day workshops on basic pastry and baking, in the community of Los Guayos, Edo. Carabobo. This initiative stems from her training as a master baker and her project to have a self-sustaining gastronomic academy where, in addition to providing training, products can also be sold. The next workshops will be held during the month of April.

Isabel Perdomo collaborated with her brand in a cycling race

The Gastronomic Entrepreneur and graduate of the 1st cohort of the Entrepreneurship and Nutrition – Gastronomy360 program, Isabel Perdomo, participated with her brand PIUR (@piurmerida) in the delivery of material for El Gran Collado del Cóndor, a race organized by the company Ultrabikex in which more than 550 cyclists participated in four distances 125k, 68k, 42k and 26k with an arrival at 4,118 meters above sea level.

José Gregorio Guia offered his services to TyP

The Satellite Antenna installer and graduate of Trabajo y Persona, José Gregorio Guia, repaired the lighting in the offices of TyP Altamira Caracas, in addition to continuing with his family business of self-made bulk cleaning products.