Blog TYP
Here we share the “Buenas Noticias” of the organization, the next activities and the path we walk along with our graduates

In English: Las Buenas Noticias de «Trabajo y Persona» – October 2020
Editorial “Helping the poor with money must always be a temporary solution to solve emergencies. The great goal should always be to allow them a decent life through work.” In this forceful statement by Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Sí (2015) and reiterated in...

In English: Las Buenas Noticias de «Trabajo y Persona» – August 2020
Editorial It is too easy lately to blame third parties for all our ills, often with indisputable reasons; for example, the famous "country situation" that has afflicted us in Venezuela for years, with all its objective causes and consequences, plus the pandemic of...

In English: Las Buenas Noticias de «Trabajo y Persona» – September 2020
Editorial A while ago I was speaking with a person who I greatly admire about the value of society’s free initiatives to respond to people’s specific needs: entrepreneurships, companies, associations of various kinds, social and community development organizations,...