
“In our world too, a stable once had something inside it that was bigger than our whole world,” said Queen Lucy to the Lord Digory during a dialogue in the Chronicles of Narnia VII (The Last Battle, C. S. Lewis).

We used this phrase in the 2018 Christmas card of Trabajo y Persona, because it represents the totalizing fact that the birth of baby Jesus means for Christians: the connection between the infinite and the finite. Something inside a barn that was “bigger than the whole world”, is something that breaks all thought categories for that time and even today.

The origin of everything, what gives meaning to all things became fragile and small as a baby; In addition, he chose a humble place with few resources to become a Presence, and as if it were not enough he was born in a time and space oppressed by an empire, full of social conflicts and shortcomings.

This paradox reaches us in a historical moment with many similarities and we have the same dilemma of pastors: to ignore it and continue with our lives, to flee full of fear or to go to know that Presence; because if it were not true, we would still remain with the doubt during all of our lives. However,  if we go towards the encounter we may face something that would change history.

Also, our gestures, initiatives, and projects can be fragile and small as a baby. They can be even developed in simple places, and be surrounded by thousands of social and political problems as well; but the real problem is if we have the certainty that the thing we do in particular is connected with the whole, just like in that stable.

Against the forecasts, 2018 was a year of growth for Trabajo y Persona: new people in the team, stable presence in several cities, and two new trades to continue offering opportunities to those who want to earn a decent living. However, even if “the stable” grows, the dilemma is the same: Are we capable of recognizing that Presence in what we do? Is that enough to start our tenth anniversary full of hope?

Luigi Giussani affirms that “faith is to recognize with certainty that Presence and hope is to recognize the certainty of the future that is born of that Presence”. That is why we, who want to live in faith and hope, have the greatest challenge: to make contemporary the phrase of Queen Lucy of Narnia: that in our stable remains something that is bigger than the whole world.

Alejandro Marius
Emprendedoras de la Belleza (Entrepreneurs of Beauty) are formed to serve other niches

On November 22nd, December 6th, and 13th, the Taller de barbería básica para Emprendedoras de la Belleza (Basic Barbershop Workshop for Beauty Entrepreneurs), dictated by Dinorah Llovera of Dinas Espacios, took place for the first time. Among the participants were 13 graduates from different cohorts, who enjoyed theoretical classes and demonstrations by the teacher. Soon they will meet again at Invecapi, El Rosal, to execute the practical classes.

Merideñas learn bean to bar method

On December 5th and 7th, within the framework of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao Project, the Curso procesamiento de cacao desde la semilla a la barra (Cocoa Processing Course from bean to bar) was conducted at the Hotel Toquisay de Bailadores, directed by the master chocolatier César Carbonara de Chocolates Cayré, and Alirio Araujo, agronomy engineer from the Experimental University of Tachira. Among the participants were 18 women who received basic technical training to obtain refined chocolate from the cocoa beans, a process known as a bean to bar.

Graduates receive training in legal processes for registration of enterprises

On December 11th, the Curso procedimiento legal para registro de emprendimientos (Legal Proceedings Course for Registration of Enterprises) was held at the headquarters of the NGO Aliadas en Cadena, in Valencia. The lawyer Claudia Vásquez, a specialist in Commercial Law, explained the basic legal concepts to start an enterprise, the procedures for its registration and obligations and registrations considering various State entities; In addition, she answered the doubts of the 5 participants who graduated from different cohorts of Conduciendo Tu Futuro (Driving Your Future) that are going to start or have started ventures.

Great entrepreneurs are also wrong (and learn from it): “Blunders Nights”

On December 12th, the president of Trabajo y Persona, Alejandro Marius, performed as a speaker at the Blunders Nights held at the Impact Hub Caracas. He served to share the “blunders” he has committed in his path as a social entrepreneur. In addition, he presented the San Benito Chocolates collection, made by the Emprendedoras del Chocolate (Chocolate Entrepreneurs). He was accompanied to this event by Jorge Arredondo, founder of Ávila Burger; and Alonso Moleiro, journalist and broadcaster.

– Yani Colmenarez, a graduate of Formación de Formadores (Training of Trainers), conducted courses in the chin and upper lip waxing as well as eyelash extensions and runs in December. She managed to train 100 people close to their community in Barquisimeto. In addition, December 11 was the culmination of the hairdressing and barbering courses, in which 50 women were trained.
– Entrepreneurs can already register in the workshops of the month offered by KPMG: Basic Accounting, Basis to declare the ISLR of natural persons, Positive Psychology and Teamwork.