AVG recognizes Trabajo y Persona with the mention of Golden Fork
On November 23, Trabajo y Persona was recognized with the honorable mention of Golden Fork in the awards of the Venezuelan Academy of Gastronomy (AVG). This tribute rewards the quality of those who stand out in the country’s gastronomy. Previously, the applications were evaluated by a jury that seeks quality and innovation in the production, preparation, and presentation of food. The recognition ceremony will take place in 2024.
“To never forget”: first single from the album Music & Work volume II
On November 23, the first single from the album Music & Work volume II was presented. It is entitled “Para nunca olvidar”, and is inspired by the overcoming story of Gabriela Calvo, an entrepreneur trained in TyP. The song is composed and performed by the Venezuelan singer-songwriter, José Delgado, accompanied by the Venezuelan guitarist and maraquero, Manuel Rangel. Gabriela has been an immigrant on two occasions, suffered gender violence, was fired from her job when she was under the age of 40 for suffering from diseases such as arthritis and lupus, and has a child with autism. Despite the difficulties, the graduate goes ahead and is now at the head of an NGO and her own venture @deliciaslosnaranjos, and her perseverance has served as a stimulus for this musical project. This new album will make known in its melodies the change in people’s lives after their training in TyP, as is the case with Calvo. The launch of the single took place at the Impact Hub Caracas, and the event began with a brief description of the lines of action of TyP, focused on trade training, training center sustainability and dissemination of work culture by Diana Hernández, director of Institutional Development of TyP. For her part, Claudia Valladares, co-founder and general director of the Impact Hub Caracas, highlighted the importance of measuring the triple impact of organizations, both quantitatively and qualitatively. There was also a panel moderated by Alejandro Marius, founder and president of TyP, in addition to Gabriela Calvo, José Delgado, and Carlos Arellano, who is the audiovisual director in charge of the production of a documentary that will complement the story of the song, soon to be available.
Delivery of 16 certificates of the Entrepreneurship and Nutrition program of Valencia
On November 1, the delivery of certificates to 16 participants of the VI cohort of the Entrepreneurship and Nutrition program of Valencia was carried out in the Dr. Alejandro Feo La Cruz room of the Association of Executives of the State Carabobo. This training was carried out over nine weeks in a hybrid format under the Emprender360 methodology. At the ceremony, the presidium was made up of Gabriela Curbelo, representative of Ford Motor Venezuela; Endrina Cerró, coordinator of the central-western region of TyP; Prof. Tahiry Gutiérrez, executive secretary of FundaUC; and Calos Fierro, director of the Carlos Fierro Culinary Institute. Among the special guests were: Tani Ingiaino, director of Cavenit sectional Carabobo; Nicoletta Di Franco and Elizabeth de Arcay, the president and general manager of the Association of Executives of the State Carabobo respectively; chef Carlos Guzmán, member of Carabobo Gastronómico, and chef Fernando Ortíz of the Carlos Fierro Culinary Institute. From the Trabajo y Persona team, the training coordinator of the program, Yralí Palacios; the local coordinator, Francys Burgos, and the communications coordinator, César Córdoba, were present. During the ceremony, graduates Verónica Suárez and Andrea Ysasis issued their testimonies. That day, the honorees presented the products of their ventures, which generated an exchange of experiences between allies and participants.
Trabajo y Persona was present at the 3rd edition of Il Mercatino of CAVENIT
On November 3 and 4, Trabajo y Persona was invited to participate in the III edition of Il Mercatino, an annual event developed by the Venezuelan-Italian Chamber of Commerce (CAVENIT) in the state of Carabobo. The graduates who attended were able to publicize their ventures and offer their products to the attendees and stood out for the development of exhibiting their brands and the work of TyP in Carabobo. The Gastronomic Entrepreneur, in alliance with the NGO CESAL, María Dolores Zapata (@melele_tc), and the Chocolate Entrepreneur within the framework of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, Elizabeth Villamediana (@la_zucreria), were the lucky graduates present at the event. The entrepreneurs developed strategies for the visibility of their brands and growth on social networks, offering their products for the raffles of the event and delivering advertising materials.
Presentation of dishes in Carúpano by 23 Gastronomic Entrepreneurs
On November 7, 23 women from Carupano carried out the presentation of dishes as part of the final evaluation to obtain the title of Gastronomic Entrepreneurs. The participants were organized in groups and each one created a three-course menu, in which the exquisite flavors of Paria were highlighted. During the presentation, the entrepreneurs demonstrated the knowledge acquired in the training by working with a variety of local products such as fish, duck, cocoa, Rum Carúpano, and seasonal fruits and vegetables. That day, different prominent figures such as José Leonardo Termini, manager of the Euro-Caribe International Hotel; Gloribel Indriago, manager of the Francys II Supermarket; Endrina Cerró, coordinator of the central-western region of Trabajo y Persona; Marco Mavuli, professional chef and trainer of the VI cohort of Entrepreneurship and Nutrition; Otilia de Indriago, merchant; Lineth Rosario, coordinator of Carúpano, and Adelser Moya, alternate coordinator. The event, held in the restaurant facilities of the Euro-Caribe Internacional Hotel, was a great success for the participants, who completed a stage of learning and personal growth thanks to their dedication and effort.
Fifth Day of Personal Growth for TyP graduates
On November 9, the fifth Personal Growth Day for graduates of Trabajo y Persona and the general public took place in the spaces of the KPMG Foundation in Caracas. The micro workshops were facilitated by students of the Metropolitan University under the supervision of Dr. Jazmín Sambrano, who created dynamic and reflective learning. Among the topics presented are addiction to social networks, psychological first aid, relaxation and stress control, as well as creativity and humor.
Delivery of certificates to 23 Gastronomic Entrepreneurs of Carúpano
On November 9, the delivery of certificates was carried out to 23 participants of the VI cohort of the Carúpano Entrepreneurship and Nutrition program, in the Mediterranean Lounge of the Euro-Caribe Internacional Hotel. The training was developed over nine weeks in a hybrid modality under the Emprender360 methodology in areas of human development, entrepreneurship and trades. Several high-level instructors participated in this edition of the program, including chefs Jesús Méndez, Benito Perdomo, Marco Mavuli and Gabriel Fuentes. For the delivery of certificates, the presidium was made up of Endrina Cerró, coordinator of the central-western region of TyP; José Leonardo Termini, manager of the Euro-Caribe International Hotel, and Benito Permono, professional chef. Local allies such as Alberto Franceschi and Mariaela de Franceschi, representatives of Franceschi Chocolate; Alicia Monaldi, director of Corpomedina; Milagros Rosario, representative of the Historical Museum of Carúpano; Cristian Pastrano, production manager of the Hacienda San José; and Jacinto Romero, representative of FedeIndustria Carúpano. The general coordination of the event was in charge of Lineth Rosario, while the moderator was the graduate, Lovelia Pérez. That day, a gastronomic fair was also held where the graduates exhibited their products and talked about their ventures.
Graduates attend the VIII Week of Italian Cuisine in the World
On November 20, 21 and 23, within the framework of the VIII edition of the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, graduates of Trabajo y Persona had the opportunity to participate in the workshops that took place those days by the guest chef, Rita Monastero (LovelyCheffa), author of multiple cooking titles and renowned gastronomic stylist. Participants Kiara Lorenzo (@ppkiaradeliciou), Yeimis Toledo (@laparadaculinaria) and Rheitza Pinto (@conservasdiempera) had the opportunity to attend the workshops organized by the Italian Embassy in Venezuela, the Consulate General of Italy in Caracas, the Consulate of Italy in Maracaibo, the Italian Institute of Culture of Caracas, the ICE Office, COM.IT.ES, the General Council of Italians Abroad (CGIE) and CAVENIT. These activities were carried out at the Mariano Moreno Higher Institute in Caracas.
Meeting with graduates in Barquisimeto and Carúpano
In November, two meetings of Chocolate Entrepreneurs and Gastronomic Entrepreneurs from different locations were organized: One on November 3 in the city of Barquisimeto, Lara state, at the facilities of the Adelis Sisirucá School of Gastronomy, and the other on November 9 in Carúpano, Sucre state, in the Mediterranean Lounge of the International Euro-Caribbean Hotel. Endrina Cerró, coordinator of the central-western region of Trabajo y Persona was present at both meetings, where the graduates shared the status of their businesses, as well as the challenges they have faced as entrepreneurs. These activities were valuable opportunities for exchanging experiences and strengthening networks of entrepreneurs in each region.
KPMG provided a training workshop for TyP graduates
On November 13, KPMG Barquisimeto offered the graduates of Trabajo and Persona a workshop on customer service. The participants were able to identify the differences between customer attention, customer service, and customer experience. They also obtained various tips and recommendations to apply in their ventures.
24 Gastronomic Entrepreneurs from El Tocuyo celebrated their graduation
On November 2, the delivery of certificates took place to 24 participants of the VI cohort of Entrepreneurship and Nutrition in El Tocuyo during the graduation ceremony held at the facilities of the Nuestra Señora de la Concordia school, in Lara state. This program was carried out between July and September. In it, the graduates learned cooking techniques, nutrition, basic notions of entrepreneurship, and human development, all through the Emprender360 methodology. After graduation, a mini-fair was organized with the products of some entrepreneurs, with the aim of showing all attendees the potential of their ventures. The event was directed by Endrina Cerró, coordinator of the central-western region of TyP; Norah Muñoz, representative of the Adelis Sisirucá School of Gastronomy; and Sister Rafaela Pérez, representing the La Concordia School. Special guests were present Heidy de Palma from Feria del Pueblo; Pila Palmera from Restaurante Mi Barra; Alibir Fonseca, professor at UCLA; Matilde Carrasco and Carlos Marchena of the NGO Pan y Vino, as well as the instructor chef, Jesús Lugo.
Risk and fraud workshop for TyP entrepreneurs
In October, Chocolate Entrepreneurs and Gastronomic Entrepreneurs of Trabajo y Persona attended a workshop on risk and fraud for entrepreneurs at KPMG’s headquarters in Barquisimeto, Lara state, thanks to its Sumando Valor program. In this activity, the graduates were able to learn about what a risk and a fraud are, the profile of a fraudster, the causes of fraud, and its preventive measures. This workshop was facilitated by Ms. Yolimar Aguilar, a member of KPMG.
Third CAVENIT Golf Tournament 2023
On October 19, Trabajo y Persona was present at the 3rd CAVENIT Golf Tournament (Italian Venezuelan Chamber of Commerce) held at the facilities of the Lagunita Country Club, thanks to the support of the Embassy of Italy and the Consulate General of Italy in Caracas. On this occasion, the Chocolate Entrepreneur, Marife Mata (@saboramana), and the graduate of the Gastronomy360 diploma in Caracas, Selenia Rojas (@zonetaccfree), presented their gastronomic proposals to the attendees of the tournament. That day counted with the presence of prominent figures such as Dr. Nicola Occhipinti, Consul General of Italy in Caracas; Francesco Maniá, Vice Consul of Italy in Caracas; Carlo Villino, president of COM.IT.ES; Antonio Violano, president of the Italian-Venezuelan Center in Caracas; Alejandro Marius, president of TyP; and Diana Hernández, director of Institutional Development of TyP. Members of the Board of Directors of CAVENIT, and some members of the Embassy of Italy, also attended.

Carla Oliveros and Gricelia León formed communities in the state of Sucre
The graduate of the I cohort of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, Carla Oliveros, and the graduate of the II cohort of the Entrepreneurship and Nutrition program, Gricelia León, participated as trainers in the risk reduction project of the vulnerable communities selected in the state of Sucre for the improvement of food and nutritional security, as well as the restoration and rapid creation of means livelihood means. Carla conducted training in the area of artisanal chocolate, while Gricelia provided instruction in the area of repair, modification, and elaboration of clothing for children and adults. This training was carried out in the municipalities of Cruz Salmerón Acosta and Valdez in the state of Sucre. This project was made possible thanks to the alliance with FAO through the CERF project.
Graduates in the 24th edition of the Bancaribe Solidarity Fair
The Gastronomic Entrepreneur, María Palacios (@antojos911), and the graduate of the III cohort of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, Rosa Rangel (@somos_dulceros), participated in the 24th edition of the Bancaribe Solidarity Fair. The event was attended by 15 non-profit organizations at the Galipán Business Center in Caracas. The president of Bancaribe, Juan Carlos Dao, visited and shared with the graduates accompanied by the president of Trabajo y Persona, Alejandro Marius. It was an excellent opportunity where collaborators of the organizing bank and the general public were able to enjoy the products of the entrepreneurs.

Rheitza Pinto graduated as a Food and Beverage Manager
The graduate of the Gastronomía360 diploma in Caracas, Rheitza Pinto (@conservasdiempera), obtained the title of Food and Beverage Manager, International Cuisine, from the ATF Gastronomic Academy. It was a training of six quarters and 420 hours of internships. Rheitza obtained the best average and was in charge of broadcasting the gratitude speech at the graduation ceremony that took place on November 10 in Caracas.
Graduates and their Christmas dishes
The graduates of the Gastronomía360 diploma, Rheitza Pinto (@conservasdiempera), Verónica González (@gelapostes), and Karina Arenas (@karinadelicyp), participated in the presentation, tasting, and selection of Christmas dishes that was held at the facilities of the Venezuelan Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Caracas. Representatives of the Swiss institution and Trabajo y Persona were present at the event as the selection jury, who selected Karina as the winner.

Carmen Carmona won 1st place in the “Made in Venezuela” Awards
The Chocolate Entrepreneur, Carmen Carmona (@divinatentacion100), received recognition for obtaining first place in the Chocolatera category among parishes of the Capital District in the first edition of the “Made in Venezuela” Awards of the Caracas Entrepreneurial Movement. Carmen excelled in the business model and innovation.
Gastronomic Entrepreneurs carried out their internships in Yaritagua
During October and November, the graduates, Glenda Belier (@cochinaenvidiagril) and María Teresa Romero, began their professional internship at the Ristorante Cristal (@cristal.rest) located in Yaritagua, Yaracuy state. For 30 days, each of the graduates had the opportunity to participate in the production and bakery area of the restaurant, managing to learn techniques and procedures at the forefront of the gastronomic world.

Graduates of Gastronomía360 in Guatire Gastronómico
In November, graduates of the Gastronomía360 diploma were present at the Guatire Gastronómico culinary event. The entrepreneurs offered their products at the opening of the fair to visitors and, days later, the best five graduates of Guarenas accompanied the guest chefs during their masterclasses. This participation was an invitation from the organization @guatiregastronomico, chef Damián Boada and his producer, Miguel Pérez, in recognition of the commitment and performance of the graduates during their training in the program. The invited chefs were chef Miguel Pérez (@kirmig), who was assisted by graduate Lizmar Marcano (@casamar_delicatessen); chef Damián Boada (@damianboada), assisted by graduate Gabriela Calvo (@deliciaslosnaranjos); chef Marianne Pineda (@mpinedach01m), assisted by graduate Osiris Tineo (@gustosbychefositineo); chef Mariela Contreras (@marielacontreraschef), assisted by Yolanda Bonalde (@yolitassugar); and chef Luis Miguel Díaz (@bardelaesquina), assisted by Yumaira Guedez (@somosyumacake).
Ham bread workshop with María Palacios and Rosa Rangel
The Gastronomic Entrepreneur, María Palacios (@antojos911), and the graduate of the III cohort of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, Rosa Rangel (@somos_dulceros), taught a workshop on how to prepare ham bread. In the activity, the entrepreneurs included three recipes of the typical Christmas bread such as the traditional one, a gluten-free one and one with sweet potato. Prior to the workshop, they held a raffle for all Trabajo y Persona graduates in which they offered a 50% discount from the workshop to two winners.

Carolina Mendoza was invited to a holiday gastronomic alliance
The Gastronomic Entrepreneur in alliance with the NGO CESAL Valencia, Carolina Mendoza (@lasazondebilu), was invited by chef Carlos Guzmán to participate in the elaboration of the hallacas that will be part of the Christmas dish of her restaurant @garagefoodbar this year. These hallacas are a special edition by chef Carlos, with special stews such as black bean, roasted pork cup, and robalo stew (inspired by the Venezuelan Corbullón), in addition to a pork specialty with a ham stew. The chef decided to involve Carolina in the preparation of the stews since the graduate is known for her mini hallacas, which, in Guzmán’s words, enjoy “perfection.”
Christmas meeting of TyP graduates in Barquisimeto
Chocolate Entrepreneurs and Gastronomic Entrepreneurs of Barquisimeto organized and managed for the first time a meeting between graduates, whose objective was to celebrate the arrival of Christmas on Entrepreneurial Women’s Day, and thus get to know each other. During this activity, the graduates talked about their ventures, shared anecdotes, forged bonds, and also enjoyed a Christmas lunch that ended with a gift exchange.

Sarimar Castillo and her class of Belgian candy
The Chocolate Entrepreneur, Sarimar Castillo (@cacaopurpura), participated with a Belgian bonbon class in the Far to Extreme, Caribbean and Mediterranean workshop, in Barquisimeto, Lara state. With this experience, Sarimar achieved one of her most desired goals: to train other people in the world of bonbons.
Karina Arenas prepared Christmas dishes for the Swiss institutions
The graduate of the Gastronomía360 diploma, Karina Arenas (@karinadelicyp), prepared the Christmas dishes that were tasted at the Christmas meeting of the Swiss institutions in Venezuela, which took place on November 30 in the Europa Tower in Caracas. This opportunity was thanks to the allies of Trabajo y Persona: @fundacionespaciosuizo, @camarasuizave and @embsuizavenezuela.

María Alvarado learned the art of public speaking
The Gastronomic Entrepreneur, María Alejandra Alvarado (@marialecocina), participated in an oratory program for women entrepreneurs. The content focused on the discovery of the participant’s purpose, speaking skills, diction, verbal and body language, and voice management. In addition, María learned to design lectures and got several tips to master the art of public speaking. This training lasted twelve hours and was organized by Neida Contreras, coach, and inspirational speaker.
Laura Ramos finished her pastry studies
The Chocolate Entrepreneur, Laura Ramos (@lalaleo.pasteleria), continues her training and after a lot of effort managed to graduate from the academy of Emerson Freitez as a Professional Pastry Chef in Barquisimeto, Lara state.

Luccilignis Rondón and her cookie workshop for children
The graduate of the I cohort of the Gastronomy360 program in Maturín, Luccilignis Rondón, guided a group of second-grade children from the E.U. Bolívar, located in Maturín, Monagas state, in the preparation of cookies. It was an experience in which the curiosity and imagination of the little ones resulted in vanilla and chocolate cookies and also aroused the curiosity of some children to become chefs.
Astrid Mesa and Marithe Martínez: trainers for a good cause
The graduates of the Entrepreneurship and Nutrition – Gastronomy360 program in Carúpano, Astrid Mesa (@a.l.naturaalll) and Marithe Martínez (@marithepilarcake), are working as trainers in the gastronomic area contributing to the creation of livelihood means for young people and vulnerable women in Carúpano, Sucre state. The trainings are carried out at the facilities of Caritas Carúpano. Astrid Mesa teaches bakery classes, while Marithe provides pastry classes. These initiatives are possible thanks to the alliance between Caritas Carúpano and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) organization.

Evelin Goyo strengthens her managerial skills with PepsiCo
The Gastronomic Entrepreneur in partnership with the NGO CESAL Valencia, Evelin Goyo (@labellota.comoencasa), was selected to start the Management program with PepsiCo. This is a four-week training that allows entrepreneurial and business leaders to develop managerial skills to increase their results in their business models.
Graduates of Gastronomía360 learned how to prepare savory pastries
The graduates of the I cohort of the Gastronomía360 program in Maturín, Karla Figueroa, Ana Castillo, Paola Millán, Eduarnys Cova and Valeska Marcano, participated in a workshop facilitated by the Tequekarol enterprise to learn how to make pieces. This learning not only benefited the entrepreneurs but also the mothers of the children who are part of the nursery Cristo Resurrected, where fifty children at risk of malnutrition are treated. This training allowed the graduates to incorporate this product into the menu of their ventures and acquire a new set of skills. The workshop was held in the kitchen of Caritas Maturín.

Virginia Rodríguez participated as a trainer in the CERF project
The graduate of the V cohort of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project, Virginia Rodríguez, had the opportunity to participate as a trainer in a project aimed at reducing the risks of vulnerable communities in the state of Sucre, thanks to the partnership with FAO through the CERF project. Virginia provided training in the area of food conservation, specifically in the production of candied foods, jams, jellies, and other fruit and vegetable syrups.
Andrea Ysasis trained as a bartender
The graduate of the VI cohort of Entrepreneurship and Nutrition, Andrea Ysasis (@dulceslosportenitos), has continued her training to strengthen her entrepreneurship and completed a Professional Bartender course at @academiacoktail. Her new skills will allow you to expand the services she offers at events.