Trabajo y Persona participated in the ASHOKA Dialogue on Longevity
On August 31, the ASHOKA Dialogue: Longevity was held, an initiative of Ashoka Andean Region to generate community and share the knowledge that exists within its network and exchange best Latin American practices. In this activity, the president of Trabajo y Persona, Alejandro Marius, participated as a speaker. He talked about Cuidadores360 (Caregivers360): a project centered in the person that sprang due to the Venezuelan migration and the need to care for the elderly, with the objective of training caregivers for the elderly.
End of the month with chocolate flavor
On August 26 and 27, the Chocolate Tastings with Social Impact were held online, within the framework of the Venezuela Tierra de Cacao project. In them, the Emprendedoras del Chocolate (Chocolate Entrepreneurs), Karen Rojas and Thais Visbal, captivated the participants’ palate with their delicious creations. Members of the French Venezuelan Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (CCIAVF) and the Italian Venezuelan Chamber of Commerce (CAVENIT) participated. In addition, they were moderated by the general manager of the CCIAVF, José Antonio Martínez; and the gastronomic journalist, Rosanna Di Turi.

Edwin Ortiz: example of perseverance and discipline
The graduate of the 4th cohort of Conduciendo tu Futuro (Driving Your Future), Edwin Ortiz, received on August 13 the title of Superior Technician in Industrial Technology, honorable mention, from the Industrial Technology Institute , of the city of San Cristóbal, Táchira state. Edwin completed most of his studies with the support of a 100% Scholarship granted by the program; Furthermore, this Emprendedor de la Mecánica (Entrepreneur of Mechanics) has developed his specialty along side with his studies. He plans to continue his professional training in Automotive Engineering.